best cardio machines for weight loss

best cardio machines for weight loss

looking to lose some body fat and you decide to incorporate some cardio sessions to help you do it a little faster, so you walk into the gym looking for the machine that produces the best results or you might even be thinking about buying a cardio machine for your house, in either case, you see all kinds of different pieces of cardio equipment to choose from treadmills, stair climbers elliptical bikes, and rowing machines are just a couple of the options that you can choose from. So, which one do you choose, which one is best for burning fat? Well, that's what I'll help you answer in today's article let's start!

the best cardio machines that are good for weight loss are:

1- stair climbing machine


3-Assault bike


5-Rowing machine

 Stair climber machine

10 benefits of stair climbing machine

1. Improves mental health.
Mental wellness is essential for total happiness. It can help you manage stress, stay physically fit, work more efficiently, and communicate more effectively. Stairclimbing can help your body release endorphins, which make you feel happy and strong. As a result, it has a positive impact on your sleep pattern, renewing your mind and body. When paired with stair climbing for weight loss, it can help you gain confidence and boost your self-esteem. It improves your ability to think and act. However, you must wear the proper sports shoes to maintain proper balance and gain the full advantages of stair climbing for mental health. You'll need to visit with a trainer who can recommend the best shoe, brand, size, and model for you.
2. It improves muscle strength.
You will press down to lift your body completely up the steps when ascending stairs. As a result, it's a vertical workout that may help you strengthen your hips, thighs, and legs. It will also tone your abdominal muscles for increased strength and help you grow muscular mass in your lower body. Because stair climbing improves muscular strength, it can reduce your chance of developing osteoarthritis. It is more common in women and men who work at a desk and have a sedentary lifestyle.
Climbing stairs improves muscular flexibility and lowers the occurrence of muscle cramps and related symptoms. Leg cramps and soreness are frequent in the beginning, but they can help you gain stamina in the long run.
3. It boosts endurance.
Climbing stairs can enhance gait, balance, and endurance by boosting neuromuscular and cardiorespiratory function in the body, according to research published in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports in 2014.
This action not only improves general fitness but also helps to lower the danger of falling and reduces strain in other everyday tasks.
4. Reduces the danger of death.
Climbing stairs has been shown to improve your body's overall wellness.
Slowly but steadily, you build the habit of ascending stairs and begin to like it.
If insomnia was a problem for you as a result of increasing stress, you would be able to overcome it.
As the intensity of the exercise rises, many people begin to breathe quicker while taking each stride.
This type of chest breathing is risky and can lead to complications.
Controlling your breathing method will ensure that enough oxygen is delivered to the muscles, reducing the consequences of inflammation.
As a result, it will increase your mood, assist you in remaining happy, and reduce your mortality risk.
5. It can help you lose weight.
Obesity has become a major worry for many individuals throughout the world.
It has harmed the younger generation as well.
Stair climbing is a great way to boost your aerobic activity and burn fat quickly.
Descending up burns around 0.15 calories and climbing down burns about 0.05 calories on average.
At this rate, if you climb stairs for at least 30 minutes a day, you may begin to lose weight successfully.
For the greatest results, however, it is necessary to account for the calories used when ascending stairs and to maintain proper posture.
You must appropriately engage your core and glutes.
Push up into your heel with each stride, ensuring that your knee moves outward and is in line with your hip to activate your glutes.
Look up straight and keep your shoulder blades powerful and together.
Do not instill in your body the habit of working inefficiently.
6. The most effective low-impact cardio workout.
When compared to walking or running on level terrain, climbing stairs consistently engages more muscle combinations.
It is a time-saving and efficient cardio workout.
As a result, the advantages of stair climbing can help your heart's health.
It can improve blood circulation by increasing HDL (High-Density Lipoprotein) levels, or the amount of beneficial cholesterol in your blood.
As a result, you can avoid developing more serious cardiac problems.
To minimize overexertion and joint irritation, begin cautiously and maintain a low to medium intensity throughout the workout.
If you have an atypical symptom, such as feeling weak and dizzy, you should stop immediately and seek medical advice.
Consider seeking expert advice on the intensity of an exercise depending on your physical fitness a personal trainer.
It's a blessing in disguise if you practice climbing stairs on your way to work or to your flat.
7. It improves heart health.
According to research published in Preventive Medicine in 2000, stair climbing can enhance blood circulation and boost high-density lipoprotein (HDL) or good cholesterol levels in the blood.
As a result, the study suggests that ascending stairs is a smart strategy to enhance heart health and prevent heart disease.
8. Helps to relieve headaches.
Climbing the stairs has been demonstrated to be effective in combating headaches in studies.
This is because it enhances general blood flow, making knots in the delicate nerves that trigger headaches more difficult to develop.
9. No prior experience is required.
Some people find it challenging to exercise because they are unsure if they can do the necessary movements.
You have no such concerns or anxieties when ascending stairs.
Climbing stairs regularly is simple, and everyone may profit from it as long as they do not have leg difficulties.
10. Diabetes.
Climbing stairs lowers blood pressure and blood sugar levels, which helps to keep diabetic symptoms at bay.
If you continue to ascend stairs, whatever weaknesses are brought on by the difficulty will be balanced out.
Safety Tips To Follow While Climbing Stairs.
While climbing stairs have no substantial negative effects, you should observe some easy safety precautions:
1. Wear comfortable shoes and clothing that fits you well, and keep your hands free.
2. When utilizing the stairs, avoid slouching and maintain an erect body posture.
3. When ascending, lead with your stronger leg and use a handrail for assistance if necessary.
4. Don't overwork yourself; if you're out of breath or uncomfortable, take a rest.
5. At first, take one step at a time and progressively increase your endurance.
Because of the difficulty, climbing stairs is considered a challenging workout.
It does, however, have health benefits, such as strengthening muscles, improving mental health, and increasing cardiac activity.
Climbing stairs for weight loss has also been proven to be quite beneficial.
As a result, you can engage in regular stair climbing exercises to stay stronger and minimize your mortality risk.
However, ensure you do it the right way!
Rowing machine


Rowers are renowned for their ability to build powerful muscles after all many great actors used rowers to get in shape for their roles, so it's no wonder everybody has fallen in love with the idea of owning a rower or the body you get from using one, but there's more to these machines than simply building the body of an Adonis, let's start with the benefits of a rowing machine.

 1. High-calorie burn
 Rowing benefits weight loss because of two reasons 
1. its intense cardio 
you are going to be using your entire body during your workout pushing and pulling with all your muscles, according to Harvard a 30-minute session gets rid of around 300 calories, however, this Harvard study above shows that other indoor fitness machines have the same calorie output, for example, using the elliptical or the treadmill could bring you up to 400 calories burned in 30 minutes, so why pick a rowing machine if all you care about is quick weight loss that brings us to point number two 2. rowing is resistance training 
that means challenging yourself on the rower builds lean muscle mass and as you know lean muscles accelerate your basal metabolic rate BMR so that you can burn more calories at rest basically a rower will help you lose considerable amounts of weight in the long term if you're using it wisely.
 2. Improved stamina
 The rowing exercise benefits your aerobic fitness because it strengthens your heart and lungs here's how when you start pushing and pulling on that rower you activate all your muscles your heart starts beating faster and your breathing quickens, you'll notice that first that your breathing may get shallow so at this point you're going to force yourself to take deeper breaths even when you're making a lot of effort that leads to a stronger heart and stronger lungs. Basically, you're going to educate and fortify your body to resist intense effort and that's precisely the definition of stamina why do you need more endurance you could think of any number of day-to-day activities that require increased stamina such as playing with your kids running with your dog and keeping your house clean. Besides stamina is essential if you're preparing for a hike or a marathon or want to feel more empowered. 
3. Total body workout
 Rowers use 86 of your body's muscles according to health line however 70 of that amount is work and 30 as upper body exercise, you're going to be using your deltoids pectoral muscles biceps triceps quads glutes hamstrings and core, here's what that tells us firstly you're going to burn a lot more calories and even fat using your entire body during your workout activates more muscles those muscles in turn require more glucose to burn when your body has no more available glucose it starts burning through your fat stores secondly the rowing machine benefits stomach muscles you're going to contract your abs and obliques quite a lot but you'll also push and stretch your lower back that way you're going to get a stronger core that helps you maintain a correct posture throughout the day the result is decreasing your risk of chronic back pain sciatica or compressed discs thirdly working out your entire body saves a lot of time in a 30 to 45 minute workout you can kick your own butt well enough to see the improvements you need besides you're probably not going to want to work out the next day because your muscles will still be sore and they need plenty of time to recover that frees up your day for many other more pleasant activities or even rest day exercises such as yoga swimming or hiking.
4. Build more strength 
A rowing workout benefits your strength levels because your muscles will have to work against a high resistance level, using a rower is like doing deadlifts leg presses, and seated rows all at once so the higher you raise that resistance the more lean muscles you're going to build that lean muscle will help you burn more fat stores in the long run whereas long-term steady-state cardio leads to muscle loss.

overall it is the best cardio machine for weight loss.


Treadmill benefits 

1. Reduced impact

One major benefit of treadmill running is that it reduces the impact much better than running on the street or other outdoor surfaces unlike hard surfaces that put your points under a lot of stress treadmills are cushioned and therefore protect your ankles knees and lower back.

2. Your treadmills, your rules!

 When you buy a home treadmill you can select and control everything from workout intensity to duration, remember to always take into account your fitness level and specific variations in this level from day to day some days you could do with a longer warm-up others you can jog to the maximum speed limit.

3. Precise training

 If you're running marathons or taking part in races you need to train as much as possible treadmills allow you to do that even when it's raining or when you're too busy to go to the gym besides you can adjust your workout intensity and incline to train for different types of terrain, as a result, you will perform better in your race. 

4. Reduce stress 

Exercise reduces your stress because it oxygenates your brain, increases your metabolism, and helps your hormonal function. Hence, as your whole body works better, you can handle stress better, exercise stimulates the production of endorphins, and dopamine endorphins are happiness hormones. In contrast, dopamine is the reward hormone so even five minutes on your treadmill can make you feel happier and more accomplished runner's high, isn't just a myth.

5. Cardiovascular health 

While people's life expectancy is pretty high, today our heart health isn't so great we have become sedentarily stressed-out, poor eaters and all that clogs our arteries, so some important benefits of regularly running on a treadmill include improving your blood circulation and lowering your blood pressure. 

6. Convenience 

There's nothing like exercising in the privacy of your own home, you can hop on that running machine even at two in the morning if you feel like it imagines what it would mean to run outdoors at that time of night you could get mugged hit by a drunk driver or who knows that else. 

7. Weight loss

There are tons of resources regarding treadmill benefits for weight loss some even claim that you can burn up to 1000 calories per hour on the treadmill however it's worth thinking objectively about this how many calories you'll burn on the treadmill depends on how fast you're running your age your biological sex your current weight your height your fitness level the incline any additional weights and how you structure your workouts that means a young male who weighs 100 kilograms at 190 centimeters who has lots of muscles and running fast at an incline while wearing a weighted vest will burn more calories than a 50 year old slim petite non-fitness freak female who simply walks on the treadmill and then there's the last factor the way you structure your workouts avoid long daily runs on the treadmill because your heart will get used to being in a hyper up state with a high pulse that means your heart rate may decrease to below 60 bpm if you're doing cardio for long periods it's what happens to professional cyclists as a result your metabolic rate decreases and you gain weight instead of losing it here are some solutions don't run on your treadmill every day incorporate strength training into your routine to lose weight faster and to increase your metabolism if using your treadmill daily eases your stress use it for mild paste walking at least some days of the week do interval workouts on your treadmill because these keep your body guessing as you alternate between period of intense running and gentle walking pro tip if you want to lose more weight faster set your workout intensity according to your heart rate into the fat burning zone.

8. Tone muscles

Treadmills exercise your lower body so you'll soon see more definition in your legs and gluts if you keep a correct posture you'll engage your core muscles so that they'll get in shape faster however it's wise to incorporate an upper body workout routine as well if you want a complete total body workout wear hand weights and don't hold on to your treadmill while walking. 

9. Increase joint flexibility 

Treadmills are practical tools if your mobility is challenged, for example, if you have arthritis or another condition that decreases your flexibility simply walking on the treadmill every day improves your range of motion and overall mobility because this exercise strengthens your bones and ligaments means you'll feel less intense symptoms so that you can enjoy life more.

10. Increased bone density

Bone density starts decreasing rapidly once we enter middle age, as a result, we lose a significant part of the minerals that compose our bones for women, which especially that means a higher risk of osteoporosis weight-bearing exercises walking strength training running jumping on the trampoline increase your bone density you'll see results in a few months if you stick to your routine less pain and more mobility pro tip aim for at least 20 minutes of exercise every day to see improved results and diminished pain.

Assault bike

1. Increased stamina

An airbike benefits your stamina just like most other cardio equipment because when you're challenging yourself your heart gets a good workout too besides your lungs get used to normalizing your breathing even during intense effort so that you won't be gasping for air anymore and here are the bonus assault bikes come with a unique selling proposition they're moving handlebars so as you're moving your entire body you can get your heart pumping faster without feeling out of breath the absence of exhaustion in combination with a higher heart rate is essential to building stamina.

2. Total body workouts 

We already disclosed this advantage earlier but it's too good not to mention again air bikes employ your entire body which means you'll burn more calories as you're working out thus assault bikes are best if you don't want to purchase other fitness equipment to use at home they're also excellent if your goal is to lose weight quickly or need comprehensive warm-ups before a full body routine.

3. Workout Variety

Workout variety is essential to keep your body guessing and to engage your brain unless you do that your body will get used to your routine and your metabolism will slow down that's how you get weight loss plateaus air bikes are easy to adjust though for instance many people pedal without using the handlebars this exercise gets them more quad work but you can also try workouts that will maximize your routines and target your muscles from all possible angles as you can see you can use your assault bike for low-intensity steady-state cardio workouts hit and resistance training.

4. Knee and back-friendly

Assault bikes have a unique build that keeps your back straightish without having to bend over the handlebars too much that sort of design is excellent for people with chronic back pain the elderly or pregnant individuals besides almost all stationary bikes maybe except spin bikes are very mild on your joints absorbing all impacts to your knees ankles and hips that mean you can use an assault bike safely even if you have some pre-existing health conditions.

5. Improved flexibility and balance

A fan bike benefits your flexibility because it mildly exercises your joints and hips as you're exercising your ligaments and toning your muscles you'll gain more functional abilities thus you'll be able to stretch bend or lift yourself effortlessly your fan bike benefits your balance too because your lower back muscles and abs become stronger as you contract them more during your workouts as you know balance is critical during day-to-day life especially if you're recovering from surgery or an older adult.

6. Value for money

Assault bikes benefit your wallet too because they're very affordable compared to other fitness equipment here's another thing assault bikes are highly scalable and it's virtually impossible to grow out of yours so choose a durable model and start pedaling the explanation is pretty simple to see that massive fan in front of your bike the harder you pedal the faster it spins and the faster it turns the more resistance it creates so brawny people will create more resistance and will become even more muscular.

7. Fits any home gym

assault bikes are rugged cheap and don't take up a lot of space they're versatile and train your total body so that you can use them for a myriad of fitness goals or training types so whether an assault bike is the only thing you have in your home gym or sits aside some free weights and a vibration plate it's definitely helpful

8. Burns a lot of calories.

But how many calories that's on you for instance low impact steady-state cardio can burn around 100 calories for a 120-pound female who's not pushing herself very hard conversely some people end up burning up to 90 calories per minute on their assault bikes you can see that's a vast range so it's critical to challenge yourself the advantage of an assault bike compared to other stationary bikes is that you're using your whole body so even a slow-paced workout can get you a higher calorie burn simply because you're moving your arms too basically assault bikes are the best stationary bikes if your goal is quick weight loss.

9. lower body resistance training

We already pointed out that air bikes are versatile pieces of equipment for all types of training well here's one lower body resistance training all you have to do is pedal with just your legs to set your quads on fire this type of exercise increases your lower body lean muscle mass, especially in combination with strength training workouts so, for example, add a few minutes of no hands pedaling as a burnout round after a lower body workout to grow your leg's muscles.

10. More brain power

As your heart and lungs get more robust more oxygen gets to your brain besides exercise releases happiness hormones called endorphins along with reward hormones called dopamine oxygen happiness and rewards activate your brain which means your brain will do its job better so that you can be happier and healthier working out on your assault bike will decrease brain fog mood swings stress and insomnia besides it will strengthen your body against free radicals so that you can face pathogens better.


The elliptical cross trainer is one of the most popular fitness machines and there are good reasons for that the elliptical workout is indeed very effective in burning calories and toning most of the muscles of the body but what muscles does it really work how many calories are burned in one hour of an elliptical trainer and how many kilos do you lose when you exercise on your cross trainer everyday what are the other positive effects of the elliptical machine here are the 10 benefits of the cross trainer on your body and your health.
1. weight loss 
the elliptical offers the perfect training to lose weight because it is very effective for burning calories and fat the elliptical workout allows one to burn between 450 and 830 kilocalories per hour which is 2 to 4 times more than walking during an intensive workout also known as high-intensity interval training heat you burn a lot of calories in a very short time over 800 kilocalories per hour however when you exercise at the medium intensity in the aerobic area that is less than 80 percent of your maximum heart rate your body burns fat stores as a source of energy a medium intensity cardio workout is therefore effective and burning fat.
2. tone the muscles of the legs thighs buttocks and arms 
the great advantage of the elliptical trainer is that it allows one to work both upper body muscles biceps triceps abdominals pectorals and lower body muscles legs thighs and buttocks the other advantage is that it is possible and even recommended to target the different muscle groups of the body by varying the exercises and the way you workout this helps to target the weaker and less strained muscles.

3. the elliptical benefits on the heart 
using an elliptical has great heart benefits as long as you exercise regularly it is recommended to workout at least two to three times a week for 30 to 60 minutes each time or more you will quickly see the positive effect of the elliptical exercise on your heart measure your pulse at rest every week and follow the progress you will also notice that you are getting out of breath not as quickly anymore after several weeks of work out.

4.  benefits on the breathing capacity
 lung capacities and lung volumes refer to the maximum volume of air that can be inspired and contained in the lungs activities such as snorkeling increase lung capacities but not elliptical trainer training the cross trainer does not increase your lung volume but it does have some benefits on your breathing or more precisely to breathlessness when you exercise regularly on your elliptical trainer your muscles become more efficient they consume less oxygen during exercise and produce less carbon dioxide which means that need a lower volume of air to breathe during exercise so you do not feel out of breath so fast anymore during exercise 

5.  reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes 
the elliptical trainer as well as sports and physical activity in general is the most effective prevention against diabetes exercising on a cross trainer has a positive effect on blood glucose levels blood sugar level indeed when we exercise our muscles need energy and will use the sugar stored in our body which leads to a drop in the blood glucose levels exercise and physical activity also have benefits on insulin Sport makes our body more sensitive to insulin meaning that less insulin is needed to get the same amount of glucose from the blood to the cells thereby partially counteracting the effects of diabetes. 

6.  release of endorphins and serotonin
ports physical activity and exercise have real positive effects on your brain and your psychology. playing sports and exercising allows you to feel good and relieves stress, these benefits on your mood and well-being are explained by the release of hormones called the hormones of happiness. endorphins and serotonin indeed these hormones provide us with a feeling of well-being which may sometimes be very powerful and even close to euphoria, when we work out for a long time like for one or two hours and it is then called the runner's high they also have an anti-stress an antidepressant that's why it's often said that sport is the best medicine.
7. good for your joints
 the elliptical trainer is often compared with running but one of the major advantages of the elliptical machine is that it does not cause any shock in the joints unlike running it is a no-impact exercise elliptical movements are smooth an elliptical is often recommended after an injury for the re-education the elliptical trainer is good for strengthening back muscles but if you already have back problems you should be careful as the rotation of your arms and shoulders may be contraindicated speak with your doctor beforehand if you want to use an elliptical cross trainer against your back problems or for rehabilitation 
8. can reduce bad cholesterol
cholesterol contrary to the common opinion is not bad it is even essential to the proper functioning of your body however the excess of cholesterol can be bad for your health and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease good cholesterol can be distinguished from bad cholesterol and what you need to know is that sport promotes good cholesterol and lowers bad cholesterol scientific studies have shown the positive effects of sports and exercise on cholesterol levels people with cholesterol problems are strongly advised to exercise regularly and do sports 
9.  benefits against Alzheimer's
just like the exercise bike the cross trainer is a gentle sport that can be practiced at home without problems until old age even if the elliptical trainer is more demanding than the stationary bike in any case it is extremely important to stay active in induced sports regularly as you age because sport keeps in shape all scientific studies agree on that point, in addition, physical activity and exercise stimulate certain areas of our brain therefore regular physical activity could not only reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease and other degenerative diseases such as Parkinson's but also delay their symptoms.
10. Best for your health and to live longer
working out on an elliptical trainer could also extend your life expectancy regular exercise can reduce the risk of many diseases and delay the onset of symptoms and also maintain the effectiveness of the immune system longer in older people thus increasing life expectancy is probably the best cross-trainer benefit.

These all are the best cardio machines for weight loss.


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